What is Fresco
Too Many Fishes is a magical underwater piece inspired by a visit to Tasman Seafoods. This work is a collaboration between Iguarnieri and Jo Ellings.
it is one of the 30+ pieces sold during the iGuarnieri 2019 Australian Painting Tour, and was sold. Too Many Fishes is now in a private collection on the Gold Coast.
What Is Fresco?
Fresco, meaning ‘fresh’ in Italian, is an ancient style of painting popularized during the Renaissance.
It is created by painting directly onto thinly laid, fresh plaster containing lime. Fresco offers a permanence and texture which is unique. Our contemporary fresco technique involves making incisions and drawing into the wet plaster. Pure pigments mixed with water are applied to the lime rich wet plaster, usually on a wooden surface.
The HIVE Signature Fresco Workshop (2 hours)
Brief introduction to fresco painting history
Simple drawing exercises
Water colour wet on wet technique exercise
Composition planning
Applying the plaster to the wood surface
Incision and drawing into the wet plaster
Applying pigments to the plaster
Discussion of additional surface techniques for finishing such as applying wax
All materials are provided and the artwork is created under the guidance of Joanne or Julie who are registered teachers.